Mercedes In Car Booking System

Objective: Create an in-car app POC connecting a driver with a dealership when a car shows critical and non-critical faults, show the flow from initial notification to payment. Developing OEM brand loyalty and promoting Mercedes Benz in-car experience.

Role: To brand and prototype lo-fi screens, storyboard and animate a video for presenting at a Mercedes innovation competition.

Outcomes: Hi-fidelity Mock-ups. Design for proof of concept prototype. Animated video presentation.

Use Cases for MVP:

1. Early warning for tyre tread and parts failure.

2. Vehicle needs a regular planned service.

3. Dealer bidding platform, dealers can bid for the work when notified by a nearby car.


1. Planned workshop booking for the user, and peace of mind.

2. Early workshop booking for dealers ahead of vehicle arrival.

3. Dealers can proactively contact customers to discuss warning notifications and alerts.


We started to engage with digital coin suppliers such as IOTA with their digital coin called MIOTA. They suggested how the payment protocol would take place with the requirement for a wallet to be linked to the car, so we set about adding this flow and creating the edits to the wireframe.



Delivery went through various stages of critique and iteration, from a technical, user research, and stakeholder-driven approach. I used my base in graphic communication to apply accessible colour schemes, hierarchy, and whitespace to create a hi-fidelity mockup, utilising a component-based approach with variant states which is linked below.

The handover was completed to our in-house developer to create the proof of concept using Android.


1. Reduces bill shock and wait times for maintenance.

2. Efficient, local and user driven booking system.

3. Proactive approach that drives loyalty, enhances user experience and drives workshop business.


Before beginning input into this project I endeavored to understand the challenge and the problem space. The project had already begun with other colleagues who had scoped the business and user needs in the below format, I then acquainted myself with their findings and set up interview meetings with key designers and stakeholders.

Discovery led us to the fact that we had started to solve the user's needs of being able to book a service or appointment with a local dealership on the roadside following an alert from the car. However, there was a need to make the payment flow simpler and allow for innovation in the payment space.



The area of development where I started was after the initial low-fidelity wireframes were created. I then worked with the team to ideate and explore options for calendar approaches, and further payment solutions to be implemented, this included going back and redefining the user flow to include the payment solution. We started to engage with digital coin suppliers such as IOTA with their coin called MIOTA. The collaboration was valuable in understanding the payment protocol and how to implement it using existing solutions.

I then worked on taking the low-fidelity wireframes and branding them up according to the My Mercedes Benz apps.



Event + Expo Design


Industry Whitepaper